As last time it was a joy to arrive at Kuusamo airport - Santa's airport - but no sign of the star himself so I assume he is sitting on a beach recovering somewhere in the Caribbean - a well deserved rest! Joining the rest of the gang we headed to Oivangin lomakartono comfortable log cabin accommodation, located in Narnia....
The trip (with included two full days at the Golden Eagle hide providing great views of Siberian Jay, Siberian and Willow Tit, Eurasian Jay, and Black, Grey-headed and Great-spotted Woodpeckers whilst waiting for the Eagles to arrive - which they did!
A visit to the Käylä cascade gave the opportunity to photograph Dippers against the snow - still dipping though ice surrounded the river. However, before we arrived there was the excitement of a mobile road block in the shape of a Reindeer - ambling across the road, scrambling down the bank at the side and then deciding we may have food so coming around the van to investigate.
In the afternoon we visited the Kuntivaara fell, a hair-raising snow mobile ride to the top where photographing (badly) trees capped with snow vied with the delights of sausages cooked over an open fire in a snug mountain hut.
Our final full day started with a visit to a Siberian jay feeder, setting the scene scattering seed and enjoyed watching them approach, balance on snow covered branches and even our guides hand. Such a difference to the more hesitant approach of last Spring.
We then set of to the amazing, wonderful, astounding and all those other words that come to mind in an effort to describe the beauty and peace that is Riisitunturi National Park. A slow walk though the snow laden trees, spotting shapes and exclaiming at the landscapes that unfolded at each corner to arrive at the summit with views over the forest and beyond. Waiting for the sun to set .......
After a night hoping and chasing for a cloudless sky unfortunately the northern lights were hidden from view (unlike in Scotland!!) but that just means I have to go back!!
Our very last trip was to the Kitkajoku river, I didn't make it down to the river (discretion was greater than valour) but enjoyed the view from on high before heading back to our lodge for lunch and on to the airport.
It was a great week - shame about the Aurora but that is nature for you - the snow capped trees were amazing - I just need to hone my skills on landscape photography especially when snow is involved - fortunately my phone camera knew better!!
Thanks to Finnature for orgnanising- Jarmo for good guiding - and to Heikki and Tuula for their welcome and great food - I really really do want the recipe for that smoked salmon soup!!
And really finally - you know you are not in Flamborough when there are seven of you warm and snug in the van and you have to use an ice scraper to clear the windows on the inside....... and this is filling the tank at the petrol station......
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