Saturday, 10 March 2018

Penguin Island - WOW!! (and Bunbury)

Again, another place visited a few years ago - last time early Spring, this time Summer (otherwise known as Christmas to us).   A Dolphin cruise to catch the local residents, followed by a stroll around the island (getting sunburnt in the process) and ending with a (very) late lunch on the beach accompanied by an Osprey!   

Crested and Bridled Terns,  Pelicans, Pied Cormorant.....  and a Little Penguin trying to snooze in the mid-day sun under the boardwalk (think there is a song about that!).

A new location was Bunbury - and another Dolphin cruise with the added bonus of standing waist deep in the sea (growing my phone in the process) whilst the Dolphins checked out the visitors.

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