Sunday, 11 March 2018

A Day out in Hull

A bit of a trip down memory lane today visiting Hull - the aim was to see the Enduring Eye exhibition - Frank Hurley's photographs from the ill-fated Shackleton Antarctic expedition  - did you know there were 6 men from Hull on that voyage??  The other was to finally track down the Gone Fishing lost trawler men memorial.  both aims achieved and despite not the best of weather quite pleased with me pics!!  I had forgotten what a great city Hull is!!

finished with a quick photo call at the 158 Squadron memorial at Lissett to see another of Peter Naylor's great pieces - and finally that wonderful 'monument' slightly nearer to home!!

Saturday, 10 March 2018

The Back Garden and other sites

I really shouldn't forget the back garden.....   Red-Tailed Black Cockatoos whilst getting ready for the wedding (the reason for the visit) and nearly caused chaos driving 'home' one evening with a small flock of White-tailed Black Cockatoos (think Baudins having listened to some calls) at the side of the road.   Blue Wrens, Honey-eaters and others to entertain whilst having breakfast on the deck....

The happy couple being on honeymoon I offered to water the plants in return for a few days of urban living. Beach or birding in the early (for me) hours - what a choice - a few hours of both satisfied and back home before 10am too!!  Lake Claremont proved a joy and just love the Pink-eared Ducks!!  The Black-winged Stilts were pretty good too.

Other places visited include Bibra Lake, Perth Zoo (to see the Orangutans!), strolling the banks of the Swan River (Darter feeding) and the vineyards (Galah)