Sunday, 17 June 2012

Cruising 16 June..............

Yesterdays cruise started out with a wet trip across the bay - it was rough with a south wesertly wind..........  Once round the Head all was calm, the birds were great and all enjoyed Puffins around the boat, Guillemot chicks squeaking away, Gannets overhead - and on the journey back to Bridlington a Great Skua harried the Kittiwakes.  And then on reaching safe harbour -  thanks to great skippering by Peter - there was a small film crew from Coast!!

if I keep my head down they won't see me

I'm cute!!

I'm proud!

Keep quiet, just pretend he's not there...

walking on water - puffin cruise style

fly?  maybe not, oops!

Agree, this flying business is hard work

And one two three - stretch

Taking exercise?  not us!


on your marks, one, two, three...


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