Wednesday, 8 August 2018

A look back

I haven't done a post for a while so decided to take a look back over the last few weeks (although it seems longer since I was blown around the Uists!!) - be prepared for Puffins and Gannets!!

The summer cruises were great with plenty of Puffins to delight passengers on the Yorkshire Belle.  The Cobles (and Flamborough lifeboat) provided other entertainment.  I didn't get much further than Bridlington and the Belle!!  Who needed to go anywhere else once the early season fog had disappeared  - sun, sea and guess what - Puffins a plenty!!  It was also good to catch up with 'old' friends from holidays and cruises.

A few evening visits to the Head and Bempton to enjoy the views (and check on the Puffins) - or as one visitor said 'Puffins and Porpoises - it doesn't get much better'.  There was a 'domestic' as a Puffin tried to enter the wrong burrow, soon despatched by the occupants and much complaining (it's not often you actually hear Puffins - they sort off moo!) once in the right one😊

As July passed it was time for Diving Gannets  - my annual treat of a trip with Yorkshire Coast Nature - and those run by the RSPB - and amazingly a Porpoise porpoising - only the second time I have seen this......  cheers echoed around the boat!!   Almost a 1000 'likes' and over 200 shares on Facebook can't be bad!! 

Working from home does have advantages - an unexpected close encounter with the Cunard liner Queen Elizabeth led to having a photo printed in the Guardian!!  No payment but plenty of kudos!
so sit back and (hopefully) enjoy ........