Sunday, 24 June 2018

Storm Hector blows in

Had a great week on and around the Hebrides, the Uists, Benbecula, Eriskay, Barra and Coll (probably missed some!!) - Storm Hector enforced an unplanned visit to Oban which meant we didn't get to Tiree (and more importantly didn't get to the Chocolate shop) but a good weeks birding for all that - and good food and good company - and good driving when trying to lean out of the minibus with a Hen Harrier flying parallel!!

There were lots of birds on sticks and rocks; in the air and a plane landing on the beach - I have got to book a flight on that one!!  Especially when a White-tailed Sea Eagle did a fly past straight after....  Glorious Phalaropes and a Ruff sporting the Louis XIV look....  The Machair was amazingly colourful, other plants were enjoyed  - just don't ask me to name them!!
The unplanned ferry from Barra to Oban provided me with a quick view of a Minke whale almost breaching - sorry was too quick for a photo - but I DID see it!

A visit to Vatersay  - by road from Barra this time rather than by boat - gave a chance to see the wreck of a Catalina, which crashed in 1944; and my dream house!!  I also introduced everyone to the memorial to the Annie Jane wrecked in 1843 after three attempts to start the Atlantic crossing - 348 men. women and children perished.

The change in schedule led to a tour around the Morvan peninsula and a chance to catch up on the nesting Black Guillemots at the Corran ferry.   An evening walk around Oban - after enjoying fish and chips - led to the moving sculpture that is the war memorial.  

Our last ferry 'home' was enlivened with a number of sailing ships and CalMac ferries alongside some wonderful skies as the rain fell around but (almost) not on us.

I started the week across the new Queensferry Crossing and ended the same way.  Great to drive across this stunning bridge - as had some sadness with the closure of the Forth Road Bridge having been driven across when that opened - and going on the last ferry crossing.....

Hope you enjoy the pics....