Monday, 29 May 2017

A trip to the Outer Hebrides

It was May and a long awaited trip to the Outer Hebrides was calling....  and it was raining......

Undeterred we met up with the Heatherlea gang and set of at some unearthly hour (well 8 am!!) heading for the Uists via Skye with good views of an Osprey along the way.  A quiet ferry crossing and we started straight away with Black-throated divers on the road from the ferry terminal before 'twitching' a Dotterel and collecting a few waders for the list.

 Watching for white winged gulls - there were a few Iceland Gulls around

 Short-eared Owls performed well

And the bird we all wanted to see the elusive Corncrake didn't mind the rain...

A spot of seawatching produced a passing Arctic Skua but there was more fun to be had watching the waders rummage amongst the seaweed and pose on the rocks amidst the Thrift - Sanderling, Dunlin, Turnstone all in summer plumage

And a bit of a murmuration.....

And then to the next awaited star of the trip - Red-necked Phalaropes 

- and the bonus of three Ruff!!

Watching for distant eagles a cry of Otter....  with White-tailed Sea Eagles floating past overhead.....

Distant Buzzard

And other birds seen included Hebridean Song Thrush, Snipe, Hebridean Wren,  Lapwing, Whooper Swan, Redshank, Mute Swan and Stonechat

Other sightings - sheep!!  and a Moss Carder Bee (forever to be known as a Muscovey Bee thanks to me not listening properly!!)

All this and some wonderful views...