Sunday, 29 May 2016

Another good day

A first for me - filled a memory card and no spare - ouch!!!!   Another day at Bempton and it was Puffin Central so a lot of happy people.  The other residents were performing well too….

Saturday, 28 May 2016

A good day

The weather could have been a tad warmer but for de-stressing a trip to Bempton Cliffs on the Yorkshire Belle is the best!!  And an evening on the cliffs was a great end to the day…

Monday, 23 May 2016

A good days leave!!

Found my self in the position of having to take a days leave (or lose it!!) so decided to do something to make the most of it and set off to North Cave in spite of cloudy skies and threatening rain…..

Two hours later and the layers were coming off, the sun was shining and even better there was a Wild Bird Cafe bacon and egg butty for lunch….

And Avocets, Great Crested Grebes with chicks (one fell off), Coots collecting nesting material (makes a change from Gannets) and a very obliging Reed Warbler…….

and even managed some more practice with depth of field….