Sunday, 29 June 2014

Oh no not another Puffin (or Gannet....)

After a damp start the day turned good - Peering at Puffins near North Landing with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and then rushed up to Bempton to catch the evening birds......  and I saw a Puffling for the first time :)  

Sunday, 22 June 2014

On a small boat to....

Went on one of Yorkshire Coast Nature's Photographic cruises late yesterday afternoon - excellent - but remember to change lenses BEFORE the chumming starts!!  Failed miserably to get a photo of the plunge diving gannets as was just to entranced at the young gannets watching thier elders and learning how to do it - there were a few belly flops as they tried it out after several attempts:)   However the close up fulmar in the evening sunshine posed as if for a commercial, there were puffins galore and even an arctic skua on the way back to Bridlington harbour - all in all a great experience and a few pics I am quite pleased with - more please!!

Thursday, 19 June 2014

yfoto go to the beach.....

Had a fun hour at North Landing this evening - thanks Muriel for the loan of the tripod - don't think I have quite got this 'stopping the water' quite right but thought you might like to see the results......