Thursday, 30 December 2010

Christmas @ 28

A jolly good Christmas all round....  the snow lay, the squirrels performed, and a fieldfare ate the apples - fighting any blackbird that came within sniffing distance....

and a walk along the riverside produced a Heron and some snowy landscapes

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

got distracted on the way to work....

Thanks (you know who you are) for the call to say the road was open and to remember my camera!!    Taken on the B1229.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Saturday, 11 December 2010

the sun shone, the snow is going...

finally managed a walk around the Head today - after a week traversing the length and breadth of North Yorkshire, seeing the different amounts of snow around the county....

distirbed some snipe too quickly to get the camera pointed but these little fellas, reed bunting, yellowhammer and wren, obligingly posed...

Monday, 22 November 2010

Donna Nook

Just a few for those who have not been - but took so many that have made a new page so you can go ahhh even more!! The pups were great, there were RAF jets roaring overhead and they didn't even blink! They were playing in the mud, sleeping and eating, even waving on occassion. Bulls were fighting or exhasuted.  Oh and there was a very smart redshank.


Sunday, 21 November 2010

Spectacular Starlings

No not a roosting flock, rather some glorious colours.............  you forget how magnificent these 'common' birds are till the sun shines  -  even the young ones ............

Sunday, 10 October 2010

A sunny day on the Headland

For once the weather forecast was right, sunny and warm - redwings still flying in, a long eared owl hiding in the plantation, goldcrests, robins and chiffs all showing well.

Oh, and the RSPB East Yorkshire Local Group were spotted doing a bit of seawatching?

Saturday, 9 October 2010

A (slow) walk round the Head

Chris Packham was right - a good day for birds!!  The easterly proved its worth with 100s of Redwing, Brambling, a tired Siskin and Goldcrests flitting as only Goldcrests can.  Plus a bonus ring Ouzel at the fog station (sorry for the poor photo - need a box to stand on!).